by Svoboda Jaroslav [jsvoboda at trask dot cz] posted on 2004/02/25 |
I have question, HOWTO use certificate from p12 or pem file with webservices using <wsproxy>.ClientCertificates.Add().
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate ClientCert = null;
Certificate cert = null;
cert = Certificate.CreateFromPemFile(certPath);
ClientCert = cert.ToX509();
This code works fine, but only if is certificate imported into windows certificate store.
Plaese help
by Pieter Philippaerts [Pieter at mentalis dot org] posted on 2004/03/06 |
During the conversion between a certificate and a X509Certificate, the link between the certificate and the private key may get lost. To avoid this problem, your best option is to install the certificates in a certificate store like you're already doing. |