Implement a TLS1 certificate verifier |
by byron guerrero [bguerrero at bancared dot com dot gt] posted on 2003/10/27 |
I new to implement the validation of the client certify over TLS.
I Also need to use the following Chiper Suites
Best Regards. |
by Pieter Philippaerts [Pieter at mentalis dot org] posted on 2003/10/27 |
To force a client to send a certificate, specify the SecurityFlags.MutualAuthentication in the SecureityOptions instance you use to create the server socket.
TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA corresponds to SslAlgorithms.RSA_3DES_168_SHA
TLS_DHE_DSS-WITH_3DS_EDE_CBC_SHA is currently unsupported due to the lack of Diffie-Hellman support. It may be supported in future versions of the library. |
by byron guerrero [bguerrero at bancared dot com dot gt] posted on 2003/10/27 |
Hello, Thanks for the quick answer.
I was wander if you have a client TLS sample.
Best Regards. |
by Pieter Philippaerts [Pieter at mentalis dot org] posted on 2003/10/27 |
Take a look at the \Samples\SSL directory. All the examples in this directory support TLS1 as well as SSL3. |