Security Library documentation

Org.Mentalis.Security.Certificates Namespace

The Org.Mentalis.Security.Certificates namespace provides access to several classes related to PKI certificate management.

Namespace hierarchy


Certificate Defines a X509 v3 encoded certificate.
CertificateChain Defines a chain of certificates.
CertificateException The exception that is thrown when a certificate error is detected.
CertificateStore Defines a certificate store.
CertificateStoreCollection Defines a collection of certificate stores.
DistinguishedName Represents a Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of a Certificate.
DistinguishedNameList Implements a collection of DistinguishedName instances.
Extension Represents an encoded certificate extension.


NameAttribute Defines a structure that represents one attribute of a relative distinguished name.


AuthType Defines the different authentication type values.
CertificateStatus Defines the different certificate status values.
CertificateStoreType Defines the different certificate store values.
HashType Defines the different hash type values.
KeyUsage Defines the different key usage values.
StoreLocation Specifies the location of the X.509 certificate store.
VerificationFlags Defines the different verificateion flags values.