SecurityServices for .NET 2.0 Documentation

Credential.GetCredentials Method (String)

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Retrieves all credentials from the system that are associated with the current login and that match with the specified filter.

public static CredentialCollection GetCredentials(
   String filter


The filter that's used to match the names of the credentials.

Return Value

An instance of the CredentialCollection class with all the credentials that are associated with the current login and that match with the specified filter.


The filter specifies a name prefix followed by an asterisk. For instance, the filter "FRED*" will return all credentials with a TargetName beginning with the string "FRED".


Exception Type Condition
NotSupportedException This functionality requires Windows XP or higher.
CredentialException An error occurs while retrieving the credentials.

See Also

Credential Class | Org.Mentalis.SecurityServices.Authentication Namespace | Credential.GetCredentials Overload List