SecurityServices for .NET 2.0 Documentation

RijndaelCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor Method (Byte[], Byte[])

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Creates a symmetric Rijndael decryptor object with the specified Key and initialization vector (IV).

public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(
   Byte[] rgbKey,
   Byte[] rgbIV


The secret key to be used for the symmetric algorithm.
The IV to be used for the symmetric algorithm.

Return Value

A symmetric Rijndael decryptor object.


This method decrypts an encrypted message created using the CreateEncryptor overload with the same signature.


Exception Type Condition
ObjectDisposedException The object has been disposed.
ArgumentNullException inputBuffer or outputBuffer is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
CryptographicException An error occurs while creating the decryptor.

See Also

RijndaelCryptoServiceProvider Class | Org.Mentalis.SecurityServices.Cryptography Namespace | RijndaelCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor Overload List