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Using DLLs and The Windows API

API Wrappers and Custom Controls

An alternative to diving around in the API is to look for a custom control that does what you want to do. Many custom controls (OCXs or ActiveX controls) are themselves a wrapper around a particular bit of the API, which deliver that functionality to your program in a VB-style, user-friendly manner.

Having said that, more and more ActiveX controls go much further than this, like for example a mapping control. These can really extend the feature set of your applications, without requiring huge programming effort on your behalf. I can tell you now that there's no DrawAmerica function call in the API, no matter how hard you look.

ActiveX Controls and OLE Automation Servers (collectively ActiveX Components) actually represent the most useable way to distribute code in an API-like format between projects, without having to go to all the hassle of dropping into a compiler and writing a true DLL. We cover them in a little more detail, and discuss how to create your own, in the next chapter.

Another approach is to enclose some API calls into a Visual Basic class module of your own, which brings the power of the API into a VB object. We'll have a look at doing this ourselves later in this chapter.

Finding and Using API Calls

We said that Windows has a lot of DLLs in it—some large, some small. There's no point in trying to take all these in at one go, let alone all of the 1000+ calls they contain. The best strategy for working with the API is to get to know a few common API calls and then fan out your knowledge from there. In this chapter, we'll look at a couple of API calls, and leave you to find out more at your own speed. Often magazines publish these-there are a few listed in the VB Help file, and there are some very good reference books available which list the majority of them.

The Text API Viewer

Depending on which version of Visual Basic 5 you've splashed out all your hard-earned cash on, you may find that it includes a useful utility to help you find the correct declarations for API routines. What the Text API Viewer doesn't do, however, is give you any real help as to what the routine does, exactly what values it expects, and what values it returns. You'll need to buy a reference book to learn more.

Still, it can help to get the declarations correct, and find our the types and constants it requires. It can even copy them to the clipboard, so you can paste them directly into your code.

Some Windows DLLs

If it helps, think of each API call as a subroutine or function. Given the number of API calls that make up Windows, Microsoft wisely decided to group them together into four main libraries.


The main DLL, Kernel32, handles memory management, multitasking of the programs that are running, and most other functions which directly affect how Windows actually runs.


Windows management library. Contains functions which deal with menus, timers, communications, files and many other non-display areas of Windows.


Graphics Device Interface. Provides the functions necessary to draw things on the screen, as well as checking which areas of forms need to be redrawn.


Provides multimedia functions for dealing with sound, music, real-time video, sampling and more. This is a 32-bit only DLL. The 16 bit equivalent is called MMSYSTEM.

You can see these files in your Windows\System directory. There are also many other smaller, less frequently used DLLs which provide specialist services to applications.

Those listed above are the 32-bit DLL names. If you have been reading this so far with the idea that you are going to support the millions of 16-bit Windows users out there with your application, then I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.In the past, Microsoft have always released a version of Visual Basic that's useable on 16-bit Windows platforms, such as Windows for Workgroups, or Windows 3.1. However, Visual Basic 5 is the first ever 32-bit-only version of VB, with Visual Basic 4 being the last incarnation of a 16-bit development tool from Microsoft.

Having done our homework, now comes the fun part. We're going to check out some common API calls and, along the way, make sure we know everything we need to know about using the API in general. After that, it's up to you to explore away.

Calling API Routines

Calling a procedure in the API is really no different to calling a function or subroutine that you've written yourself and added to a module in your project. For example, if you have this piece of code:

Public Sub FindText(objDataControl As Control, sFieldName As String)

' Code to implement function does here.

End Sub

To invoke the procedure, you could use this code:

FindText datTitles, "Titles"

Let's apply the same logic to an API call, which is a subprocedure that isn't only outside our current module, but also outside VB.

A Quick Look at Declaring an API Call

Before a DLL routine can be used, it needs to be declared. Visual Basic needs to be told:

The name of the subroutine or function

Which DLL file it can be found in

The parameters it expects to receive

The type of value that it can return if the routine is a function

You still use the word Sub or Function to start the code off, but it must be prefixed with the word Declare. Because we're calling an API function, the code isn't directly in our VB program after the declaration, it's off in the DLL we indicated. Apart from that, the declaration is the same as for a function that you wrote yourself.

Once the function is declared, calling it is straightforward. Let's take a look at how this works, using a quick example of an API call.

Try It Out - Flashing a Window with an API Call

1 Create a new project in Visual Basic.

2 Draw a timer control on the form and set the timer Interval property to 10. This will cause a timer event to occur every 10 milliseconds.

3 Double-click on the timer control to display its code window. Then type in code so that it looks like this:

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Dim nReturnValue As Long

nReturnValue = FlashWindow(Form1.hWnd, True)

End Sub

4 Now declare the FlashWindow function in the general declarations section as follows:

Private Declare Function FlashWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FlashWindow" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bInvert As Long) As Long

5 Now run the program. When the form appears, its caption should be flashing. This is a very simple program, but flashing the caption of a window using pure Visual Basic code is extremely difficult and requires a lot of code-try it at your own peril!

How It Works - The API Declaration

The function declaration itself is fairly straightforward once you understand its constituent parts. It helps to have a Windows API reference manual handy to determine whether the API call you're about to use is a subroutine or function, which DLL it's contained in, and what the parameters to be passed to it should be.

The word Declare tells Visual Basic that we're declaring a DLL routine.

Immediately following Declare is the word Sub or Function, which declares either a subroutine or a function. Of course, you can't declare subroutines and functions indiscriminately.

The Lib keyword tells Visual Basic the DLL in which the function we want is contained. In this case, it's the User32 DLL file. Alias tells VB what the actual name of the function inside the library is-this could be different for the name we assign to it before the Lib keyword.

Private Declare Function FlashWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FlashWindow" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bInvert As Long) As Long

Finally, the parameters which are to be passed to the function are declared, along with the type of value that the function will return.

The parameters we're passing here are:

(ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal bInvert As Integer) As Integer

The first parameter, hWnd, is a handle that identifies the window we want to blink. It's important that you understand the concept of handles in Windows, and we'll come back to it later. The second parameter, bInvert, switches the flashing property on and off. If bInvert is set to True by the calling statement, then the bar flashes. To return it to its original state, you need to call the function again, with the value False.

In many API routines, the Alias is the same as the actual routine name, such as in FlashWindow. In these cases, we can omit the Alias part altogether, for example:

Private Declare Function FlashWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bInvert As Long) As Long

However, some have names that are illegal in VB, such as _lopen, and other come in different versions-sometimes with an A or W appended to the name. In general, it's safer to use the definition as it is. Some programmers use the Alias to change the name that the refer to the routine by, or even to declare two different versions of a routine which accept different parameter types-but we'll steer clear of these techniques for now.

How It Works - Calling the API

We called the function in this way:

nReturnValue = FlashWindow(Form1.hWnd, True)

Once you've declared an API call, it's used in almost exactly the same way as a normal call to a Visual Basic function or subroutine. In the above example, the FlashWindow call is a call to a function held in a DLL. Just as with Visual Basic functions, API functions return values which must then be stored somewhere. We store the value that the FlashWindow function returns in a variable called nReturnValue.

Again, just as with Visual Basic functions, you don't have to do anything with the values returned by API functions. But you do need to store them somewhere, even if you intend to ignore them, by assigning them to a variable. Almost every API function returns a numeric error code, which you can use to see if everything worked correctly.

In fact, ignoring these values is not only a bit lazy-it can actually be dangerous if you're using more than one call in your code. In this straightforward example, however, it's fine to just store the return value in a variable that we never subsequently use.

Using Windows API calls can potentially crash Windows, if not your machine. When you come to the more complex API calls, such as those which are responsible for allocating vast amounts of memory and system resources, woe-betide the programmer who casually ignores the return code. Since the DLL functions live outside of your application they handle all their own error checking-your only indication that something might have gone wrong is that return code. Remember that, and ignore it at your peril later on!!

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